Let me tell a story It is about a boogeymen And heroes It is a telling story in all With no tall grass to hide behind At all Times now are epic As they were then Crying babies of today Were tougher then Leftists under many Names they were Communists and Social Democrats Two of these terms Allies to the end Destroying Nations Threatening to consume all Two Phoenixes from Europa rose From fire and ash One a Fascist And the other A National Socialist Europa was pleased With her two sons Both did like the type The Court Fool of the Jew Zionist Social Democrat One of these Court Fools of The Jew Sat in London Ugly and fat was Churchill A war monger drunk on liquor And Empire Chomping on his fat cigar As a whore chomps on cock He has a quick wit and honeyed tongue Truth be told Still even his tongue did not hide He was ugly as a court fool Through and through These two Phoenixes of Europa Did not like this Evil man of London A destroyer of Europe and the British Empire They loved their land and folk While the Court Fool of the Jew Loved shekels and war A padded shekel purse Was not for the Sons of Europa Look for yourself It is not in your phrasebook I know In Italy there was This evil fat man Also like our fabled Court Fool of the Jew Aliester Crowley was his name Who practiced the occult And ritual murder Babies, blood, semen And all the nasty Crumbles left for him To gobble by the Rabbis The Fascist did not like This evil man As he did not like The Social Democrat Zionist In London Both fat and ugly Inside and out Through and through Both evil Of the darkest sort So with a mighty kick in the arse Mussolini sent Crowley out The door of Glorious Italy Exiled he went Far did he fly He landed in London On the gilded doorstep Of the Court Fool of the Jew A soft landing it was A reunion of sorts Of fat, ugly, Court Fools of the Jew A new darling they harbored Of democracie's high society Turning a blind eye To ritual murder of Babies, blood, semen, and all Democracy put Crowley on a pedestal Shekels flowed over him as Petals at a wedding Tell me of this tale Historical and true Who is evil of Fascism and Democracy? Answer accordingly For the gods and the Almighty witness such things Ignorant and evil It is said Of the Fascist To protet his Nation And the young Well, then, Mighty warriors Tell me whose skull you have Cleaved protecting the Innocent and young? A position democracy took Of fat, ugly, Court Fools Of the worst kind Fascist this, Nazi that Is flung around now Remember who sold Your daughters to the Kabbalah Jew Democracy it was Fascism and National Socialism It was not A Court Fool Democracy is Selling children lies Smiling and nice One hand with candy Another behind the back With a sacrificial knife Instead of bread To feed the soul of the young They chuck from the feed bag Dry grass suitable for cattle This tale of one story Is one of many Of democracy ever Competing with Communism For the Crown Of Hades What fool These days listens To such fools? Young will know One day May they spit On the graves And faces of those Who call democracy Good and true
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