I started to drift over to the wrong side of the tracks early. Not intentional, it has been a destiny which my nature acted as a wind blowing me this way and that way, which I have heeded many times. Many times I was left wondering what kind of screwed up, hellish, situation I had shipwrecked myself into. "How do I get out and how do I change it?", I have myself asked again and again, many times. After a life of forging and honing resilience and endurance (usually because it was a matter of surviving) a good word I remembered was the Greek word antecho: 'to endure'. It has kept me alive and has helped me immensely from periods of extreme duress. A beautiful word for the righteous resister and the rebel amongst rebels, for we will need it.
In the decadence of post-modern society what it takes for hate to set and grow into rage is lacking in people's souls. For true hate comes from true love in defence of it, another duality found everywhere in this dualistic Kosmos. Having been weakened from our ancestral strength the silent majority European, where ever we have adventured and settled, is to weak to truely love or truely hate. Both are strong forces which require strength and endurance that will be constantly tested to either weaken or make stronger the resolve to harness these mares of emotion. Instead, what made us the conquerors and creative masters of Midgard has been diluted by a false moral concept of love and hate that for generations has been pushed from the chalkboard, the pulpit, the zombie tube, downwards and downwards from atop the gilded halls and towers. This has diverted our force into smaller tributaries from the source river thus losing for now, that raw, natural fury, inherent in mighty rivers; and also great souls. That beautiful fury destroying and creating without a regard to whether it shall or shall not, doing it because nature has reasons beyond our understanding while also not needing reasons.
Frustrating, maddening, pathetic, is our position. What will it take to change it? Love wails the banshee. Some cold, mechanical system, says the pathological who glares mercilessly at those who dare to pull the levers of the grinding machine he controls. Everywhere there is some wanker saying new ways to compromise with those harming you so that you continue being a victim while excusing those victimising you. Instead of saying nein the silent majority keeps chewing their cud waiting for that future date when the cattle gate to the slaughterhouse opens envisioning their place in an illusionary utopia that exists only in their weak minds.
All fine and dandy to the lukewarm goats. Enough talking of those still bleating and wailing their Master's darkness nicely sweetened with honey soaked tongues. I still see the fork in their tongues although it flicker fast. Hate. Another beautiful word and force when it comes from love. When so it is a white steed charging in with a white knight riding atop to save his frail consort named love.
It is time for us to jump on the Hate Bus and take a scenic ride back to our origins in defence of love; in defence of our Kin, Nations (ethnic-linguistic-cultural), our past-present-future. What few seem to ask of the love and peace mantras is love of what? and peace of what?
What a paradox Midgard is. Born into a world of struggle starting weak, dependent, innocent, being a tasty morsel for the wolves. Not as Rosseau said in his Social Contract; "man is born free and everywhere is in chains", against his reversal of reality I say, "man is born in chains and must ascend to shrug them off".
As a man ages the attire of the psyche becomes ragged from wear, we gradually replace those old mental clothes. The shine of innocence dulls with age and with it that love that knew no lies, betrayals, hurt, after it is changed into more complicated emotions. Grumpy old men sitting on a bench commentating with criticism of the world comes to mind, their dead on humour besides. Why are they grumpy and where did it come from? Why, you have to ask or know them. Where, a mild hate from a time for them when love had not been marred and beaten when they had not experienced all the corruptions against that youthful untarnished love. Where, over the years and tribulations, did that original emotion go? Naturally much of it changed as happens over the course of a life.
As in the above paltry and simple example some of it turned into hate. Being a rover I see it in myself as a wanderer which in some ways ages you faster. Although Iam not old Iam also not young and in the realm of experience I feel ancient and from another time which grows my hate to form a bulwark against time as it marches mercilessly on.
Iam built different than the lukewarm standard build. Nature, the Almighty, my ancestors, the Old Gods, have gifted me plenty. My gratitude to them for without the gifts I was born with, amongst other benefits, I would not have the capacity to hold the amount of hate and rage I contain. Despite the Judaic conditioning with treacherous ideologies since post-WW1.2 against containing healthy amounts of hate it requires strength and capacity to hate. Since WW1.2 all of Western society has been subjected to attacks designed to limit the ability for the European to fight back, with conditioning that fights our nature, the process started visibly back with the Jesuits/Enlightenment and Oliver Cromwell existing before as Mystery Babylon, always a disguise has been worn. Creating an internal conflict between mind, body, soul, will weaken and cripple a person from rightful resistance. Capacity of hate and anger within a person is essential to a northern European for the infamous beserker rage which is another way to say ecstatic fury, which is comparatively similar to a shamanistic trance also an ecstatic state. Over the years my rage and hate has grown to cold embered rage. when there was times that the serpent in the mind coiled itself telling me fluffy things to weaken and not to embrace the trinity of this writing. I do not listen to such bastards whether flesh and blood, supernatural, or imagination. When that cold ember of rage is fanned though, its furious awakening is glorious!
Through generations of programming (usually through conditioning) post-Modern society, highly urbanized and in a closed industrial-technocratic environment, now accepts as strength what successful civilization combated as weakness. With no feet in the soil and clean fingernails these disconnected simians spew diarrhoea out of the wrong orifice with undigested corn such as: "the better man walks away"; "turn the other cheek". We have only two cheeks to turn: three strikes and you are out. If the "better man" walks away imagine how many bitch slaps a street fighting kid could get in before the "better man" starts running! A little, only two, examples of what dumb Canucks shite out of their mouths everyday that angers me to hate and rage as they constantly insult the values and virtues and generally most of what I love.
My path of radicalization started young spending copious amounts of time reading anything beyond my intellect and wisdom could understand and I could get my hands on. By the time I was out of high school I was past a university student and more widely read than most professors, especiale Marxists. Reading Manufactoring Consent by Noah Chomsky, which described the media and government manipulation for the public support of Operation Desert Storm, sealed the deal. These are details only deeply interesting to the pedantic. I was radicalized by lies, betrayal (Canucks are so nice as to constantly betray with their narcissism), and being born in an age not suitable for myself to assimilate since this society values are in direct opposition to the ones inherent in my spirit and blood. Being a fighter it has made life more difficult than the compromising victim called well adjusted, normal, mature, who is quick to excuse being abused in exchange for some security and comfort which erodes our liberty and freedom (the very little left and are allowed to get away with) which according to John Locke in his Second Treatise of Government states that those who trade liberty for security deserve neither. Usually this is done in the names of; security, rights, the last said by humanists whose golden road leads straight into the jaws of Anubis.
It is said that love and hate are separate implying one does not effect the other. It is said that love conquers all in opposition to hate. I pity such hippies who are capable of only one emotion. Love conquers all is a pacifist strategy. It uses a soft method, water dissolving stone over a very long period is a good allegory, patient, waiting, always present. Yet, when this soft and passive force is enraged nothing withstands it the same as the raging Atlantic. Now it is an active force, more immediate and energetic. Love in this sense has changed a manifestation of spirit into anger, rage, and the boogeyman of the Judaic spirit: brave hate in an act of which it runs from in cowardice. As the ebb and flow of rivers and seas still have the same source despite their different levels of tide so does love and hate exist as a symbiotic manifestation. I speak in ideal forms mostly to avoid the endless corrupting divisions of post-Modern idiocy and manipulations which leads to endless confusion.
Radicalization is inevitable to the honest after their innocence and honesty, integrity is assaulted with lies and harm, under a constant bombardment. The age which a person's psyche starts to be assaulted constantly gets younger quicker. As the psyche defends itself anger comes to the rescue. Under constant attack stronger defences are erected and hate sets in, which itself is a more permanent anger, and if the vessel had the capacity they may be gifted with rage. Radicalization is natural for the intelligent, aware, those with instinct. Someone containing one of those attributes or a combination there of when faced with a dilemma that effects them will react; questions form and emotion provides catalytic energy, as an impetus to solve the dilemma moving their previous position to another marker. As the markers move more from their original position their is a radical position from the original position as the distance from the markers have a greater distance from each other. Reduced to a linear scale within a dumbed down political range the extremes can be marked at the ends as a left and right; and it is.
Thus, radicalization is the result of programmed finite possibilities of a closed political ideological environment when a person reaches those bounds. It is not radicalization that a person is pushed to violence or acts of destruction but the confines of the term that claims so. I do not mind being radical as it means I have pushed to the boundaries of institutional programming and beyond.
It is dreary weather civilization is in, that constant overcast sky that oppresses a person in the form of depression, a loss of hope in which these things weakens. It is hard to feel that light, weightlessness, one feels with the Sun shining and the skies clear. Climates cycle, winds change, the heavens rotate around the Polar Star, the Sun Wheel turns. In the darkest rotation one must keep an Eternal Fire lit within and without as fire is a manifestation of Divine Light. A mystery of mystics is the differentiation between light and darkness.
What is immoral or moral is symbiotic to the cosmological light and darkness. Light is creation opposed by darkness the destructive force. Directly imposing love and hate, one for one, onto cosmological concepts of light and darkness as a moral code is a deception and Judaic. As the moral are manifestations of light and darkness, love and hate whether good or evil is of intention and effect. The love of evil is evil while the hate of evil is good. In a dualistic world love and hate are independent of either good or evil until cause and effect are determined.
In an Age of Darkness on mortal Midgard the prevalent dreary weather requires a radicalization to push the clouds away for thy Sun to shine it's life giving rays through. Where everything is being assaulted everyday and what is loved dissolves, I conclude; if you do not hate then you do not love!
Gott mit uns
I view Canada as an enemy. I have long viewed it as a foreign country, about my whole fucking life!
Canada is really, really, really, gay like Richard Simmons.
Your ramble about where you are stuck being a waste of emotion is very Canuck mentality.