This post is from a comment on the article Trump is a Judas Goat. After some thought along the topic I thought some expansion of my comment and badly needed editing turned into an article would be needed. Iam a veteran of Trump’s first selection and that great meme war, of the Obama years with the Libertarians defending the Constitution based on principles and law where to do so meant you were a racist for questioning a chocolate milk appointee , and I cut my teeth for this kind of work during the Little Bush years. All potato heads! Hence why I do not get involved much these days in long winded commentary except occasionally. The b-grade script is old, oh so very old and dim to me. I have never made a dime doing this and have only spent money doing it. So long in the trenches, so many deleted accounts and personaes (yes my real first name is Jake), that the question is why? A professional soldier gets to go home and leave the front lines while I damage myself keeping in the trenches. There is only way to Valhalla and anything worth anything takes blood, sweat, and tears.
My passion is to write and my vision is to write in my own created fantasy world. To also write about philosophy, metaphysics, mythology, history. Duty has a destiny of taking precedence ink blotting dreams. One day, if it is my last breath I will make a living even if a small one off writing and will create something Great. This line of work is my duty, and as someone once told me after recovering from a burn out; “you cannot help it”. I have always liked a good fight whether mental or physical. Onward I expand the original comment into this article with the assumption the above linked article is read first.
The Judeo-Jesuit Banker Cabal need Trump for a few reasons missed in Trump is a Judas Goat and by others that have caught on to the game . There is so many things to miss these are easy to miss.
Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as state capital was to build their fake temple. It is amazing that so many people fail to realize this is the 2000 year end goal of Judaism. One of their prophecies, from lawyers as that is what a Rabbi is and their religion is a lawyer lounge, is the start of the sacrifices at the temple mount. To outdo any supernatural power they decided to do it themselves about a year ago or so at the base of the so called Temple Mount.
Everything to build their fake fourth temple has been waiting in warehouses for years, they have boasted in the Times of Israel that they can start in two hours once Al-Aqsa is demolished. Herod rebuilt, renovated, and expanded the second temple so much it was technically the third temple which a good ole Roman Titus destroyed in 70AD when the Yiddish Turks had not yet mixed with the Edomite, the mongrel brother to the White Judahite/Israelite. The story of Jacob/Israel and Easu/Edom in the Old Testament.
First, they have to clear East Jerusalem because they are scared of the city gates being opened from the inside by Arabs, Christians, and Whites that have lived there when the Yiddish Turks were nomads on the Steppes of Asia. This is the hidden intent in their present and ongoing aggression against the Armenian Quarter and the years of slowly evicting the Arabs from East Jerusalem. Valid in their reasoning, since that is how the Moors conquered Spain by Jews within the city walls opening the city gates. Without key cities like Cordoba lost Spain would have defeated the Moors. They have done it repeatedly throughout history so this fear is one born from their own habit.
Second, demolishing Al-Aqsa Mosque will enflame the Arabs so that they may actually unite and they will be so angry their reputation as hard fighters will be earned again. It is in their blood and dormant.
To withstand this they need a manufacturing base safe from attack with a supply of Aryan Warriors (we are the best in the world) as they did for Stalin when America and International Jewry financed his move of factories beyond the Urals and massive assistance to build 30k tanks. Adolf Hitler talks about the tank disparity here. A far away giant manufacturing base safe from enemy attack was practised in WW1 and WW1.2 so it is not even a theory it is a historical pattern aligned with present reality.
With the BRICS and Russia building a separate financial system the Rockefeller and Rothschild clans need a world reserve currency under their control for the time being as they plan and implement their digital currency and ID. Hence the US dollar has to be brought back to a level to compete as a world reserve currency. No one wants it as a world reserve currency because it is losing value and America has no manufacturing base to maintain a stable world reserve currency. The political insanity and instability also has states concerned. They need to be reassured of American power and stability again. Too little too late. Slowly most of the intelligent world is waking up to the fact one cannot build upon usury, Federal Reserve and associated Central Banks under the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) which is most of the world not getting bombed or undergoing colour revolutions, or in parts of Africa torn asunder into perpetual civil war. For Africa this is the price of taking loans from the IMF/World Bank and not being democratic enough. Any attempt to end their pillaging and looting results in destruction and death. Some of the Muslim countries have escaped this umbrella yet the BIS gets their shekel when they have to exchange currencies or get a loan outside of usury free Islamic banking.
Israhel is going to strike Iran at the level they did to Iraq in the '80s which ended Iraq's hope of nuclear weapons when they bombed Iraq’s nuclear reactor with F-16s bought from the USA during the Iraq-Iran War which was another CIA plot. The retaliation is going to need American boots and tanks to defend Israhel. The kids they are sending to fight the Arabs don't even shoulder their rifle. Having had military training starting at 12 it pisses me off when I see it. Israhel is now outmatched by Hezbollah and the Iraqi militias are becoming a combat threat who are looking for blood. Israhel is to the point it can barely garrison it's territory against rock throwers who are quickly replacing rocks with rifles and missles. Trump is willing to play along as a Chabad Zionist, he has publicly said so in so many words, and because he is one.
Repeatedly called the Orangeman it incites me because Iam a self taught historian and for years have known why they do it. It is a mockery of the Folk not Trump in Mossad modus operandi duplicity. A mockery of the Gaellic part of my blood. The Orangemen were originally a secret society of Netherlands Jew Bankers who funded Oliver Cromwell who regicided the Last Good King; King Charles I. They then moved from the Netherlands to London where The City and bankers there are the continued line from that time. The age of Dutch exploration ended and the age of British exploration started. Within three months of the regicide Cromwell invaded the green isle of Erie (Ireland). In those times, even these times, for an invasion to happen so quickly means it was planned and organized far ahead of time. Shekels, logistics, and bureaucracy, have to perculate, rubber stamp, committee, and take their sweet ass time. Catholic Erie, the great land that Christianized Western Europe was now sundered from our historical role and identity. If any wonder where the public Orangemen of Ireland came from and the significance this is where. King Charles I was going to give Ireland independence who also sent George Yeardley to Virginia to prepare for Virginian independence. As can be concluded International Jewry had to act fast. They are also a factor in Canuckistan history. The first Prime Minister Sir (ha) John A. MacDonald was an Orangeman. A very little known fact is that during the Red River Rebellion this PM sent a spy and when Louis Reil uncovered him executed him for spying. Legal under international law, and was a practice of states depending on the situation of the time. It has been wiped from the Internet my source, or buried under search result garbage. It is long in proof but my conclusion is that this spy was also an Orangeman and against the wishes of Canadians, and government the Secret Society Prime Minister hanged Louis Reil as revenge against what he would have considered the murder of a member of the fraternity. Hence it is more than one reason and one level that the appellation of Orangeman Trump irks me. That must be the secret society he is a member of, he is an Irish mongrel, and the orangish hair is the cover of one faction ridiculing another faction without revealing the real reason of why they are using this appellation. One last note on this is that Orange is the colour of the Dutch. For hundreds of years the International Jew of Britain has been hiding their origins in plain sight.
Finally, Trump is President to make Whites look bad. He is back to do a damn fine job of it! The fools have been played The Trump Card.