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This is my mind dump site where my ever churning mind has an outlet. An epic life, an attitude, over active curiosity, a raw inquiring mind, together with a sprinkle of personality I have a unique perspective to shout at the world which combined with my unique writing style provides a good read.

Thus, The Grey Wanderer has a variety of content. I have a plethora of interests across a wide spectrum.

The Archetype

The archetype of a Grey Wanderer is found throughout mythology and history and even fiction. In the Lord of The Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien, in the Elven tongue of Sindar the word Mithrandir means Grey Pilgrim or Grey Wanderer. A few aspects of Wodan were used by J.R.R. Tolkien in the character Gandalf who the Elves named Mithrandir; while Wodan (Odin), who also had many names like Gandalf, was known as the Grey God amongst other names and titles. In the Volupsa there is a dwarf named Gandalf.

When wandering Midgard Wodan would disguise himself as a wandering old man. Much like Gandalf he would impart wisdom, provide help or wrath, observe, and have various adventures. Both fulfill ancient archetypes of a god or avatar disguised as an old man with magic spells and/or supernatural powers who appear as hermits, pilgrims, and travelers in need that are tests of hospitality and other moral virtues. Sometimes their tales are immoral providing examples to counter the moral tales. They left behind tales as foundation stones and wisdom seeds for posterity. The wandering wise man and the seeking pilgrim are both related and their core aspects are similar. Both are on a journey, both are on paths that are ascetic, something sets them apart from the commons that provided an impetus for their journey, there is obstacles and struggles to overcome, and at the end of their journey is a higher reward or good greater than the riches of the world which their journey had taught them to lower their value of and value something more ephemeral yet more real.

To learn magic Wodan went through a Struggle and Sacrifice by hanging on Yggdrasil upside down which is a motif found commonly in mythology and religion, two examples are the Hanging Fool in Tarot and St.Peter being crucified upside down as two of many examples throughout history being a common mystical and esoteric archetype. As told by numerous prophets, shamans, mystics, to attain the magic arts and mystical knowledge one must go through sacrifice and struggle. For nine days Wodan hung from the World Tree during which an eye was plucked out by a Raven. After the inverse hanging, a death of the old self and also being hung right side up in some customs is a damnation of the soul, he drank mead from the Well of Mimir which sits at the base of Yggdrasil which granted inspiration which after Wodan could use magic after his hanging, loss of an eye, and drinking water from a Sacred Well. Gandalf The Grey died by the Balrog sacrificing his Grey (old mortal) self to come back as Gandalf The White as an ascended being. Even Heracles didn' t ascend to Mount Olympus in a night. The mythical sacrifice of self in heroism for the purpose of transcendence to a higher state is the foundation of any higher learning of the Self.

My Path

For most of my life, on and off the streets/road, I have traveled a hermetic path; wandering, reading, experiencing, driven by wanderlust and curiosity, my internal state being restless and wild, hunting for elusive stones of wisdom. Always fighting the world with thought, words, and fists. Through all the chaos, struggle, extremes, I lived a long and epic life compacted into young years. I worked hard and suffered long to become a philosopher, a scholar, a warrior, by book, road, and the arm. Not a gentleman. No. That is too mundane, to constrained to an image that involves literally tying a noose around your neck to signify an air of respectability. Iam greater than that, my soul soars to greater heights. It soars to the Heavens as an Aristocrat. There is no other way for the Grey Wanderer. Hence I feel a connection and affinity to the archetype from Hermes to Wodan.

A creative, productive, real purpose. What use is The Hermetic Lantern if the hood is kept close greedily hoarding it's Light from the Darkness? A true Hermetic wisely allows at least a ray of Light to escape it's dark confines from his Lantern.

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Wandering and thinking, fighting the world.


A Grey Wanderer writing against the world.